20世紀を語る音楽 オーディオ・ガイド
20世紀を語る音楽 オーディオ・ガイド
PART I: 1900-1933
1. THE GOLDEN AGE: Mahler, Strauss, and the Fin de Siècle
2. DOCTOR FAUST: Schoenberg, Debussy, and Atonality
3. DANCE OF THE EARTH: The Rite, the Folk, le Jazz
4. INVISIBLE MEN: American Composers from Ives to Ellington
6. CITY OF NETS: Berlin in the Twenties
PART II: 1933-1945
7. THE ART OF FEAR: Music in Stalin’s Russia
8. MUSIC FOR ALL: Music in FDR’s America
9. DEATH FUGUE: Music in Hitler’s Germany
PART III: 1945-2000
10. ZERO HOUR: The U.S. Army and German Music, 1945-1949
11. BRAVE NEW WORLD: The Cold War and the Avant-Garde of the Fifties
13. ZION PARK: Messiaen, Ligeti, and the Avant-Garde of the Sixties
14. BEETHOVEN WAS WRONG: Bebop, Rock, and the Minimalists
15. SUNKEN CATHEDRALS: Music at Century’s End